in this article
The Compare page lets you compare metrics over time to help you identify any impact one metric may have had on another - for example, the effect an increase of sales may have on ticket times.

You can also compare data from a selected date range to a previous date range for any metric selection. The time comparisons are shown in both the data charts and data tables on the page. The charts show the comparison date range as a dotted line and the current data as a solid line. When a metric is also being compared, the time comparison is shown in the popover when you hover your mouse over the chart.
Compare metrics
You can select two metrics to be shown in the data chart.
  1. Select a primary metric from the metric selection drop-down menu.
  2. Click Add comparison.
  3. Select the metric to be added.
Remove a comparison metric
  1. Click the secondary metric selection drop-down menu.
  2. Select Remove comparison from the menu list.
Compare a time range
You can add a time range comparison to any metric or when two metrics are being compared.
  1. Click the date menu.
  2. Click the Compare to previous dates toggle to enable the comparison.
  3. In the Compare to drop-down menu, select your desired option.
  4. Click Apply.
Group your data by time unit
You can select the unit of time that the data is grouped by. The grouping options that are displayed depend on the date range that you've selected. For example, if you select a single day as your date range, you can choose to group your data by hour, or daypart. If you select multiple days as your date range, you can choose to group your data by day or by aggregated daypart.
  1. Click the Group by menu and select a time unit.
The Compare page uses the following terms:
Gross sales
Gross sales are calculated by multiplying the product price by the quantity of the product sold. The product price for this equation is the price before taxes, discounts, or delivery charges.
Net sales
Gross sales - discounts. Gift card activations are not included in net sales.
Ticket quantity
The number of closed tickets.
Average ticket amount
The subtotal of all tickets divided by the number of tickets closed.
Sales per labor hour
The dollar value of sales for each labor hour.
Labor cost
The total cost of hours worked by non-salaried staff during the time period.
Labor percent
The cost of non-salaried labor divided by net sales.
Labor hours
The number of hours worked by clocked-in staff during the time period.
Total discounts
The value menu items or tickets that were reduced in price. This value includes menu items and tickets that were reduced in price automatically (by a promotion) and manually (comps and coupons).
Discount quantity
The number of discounts applied.
Discounts on cash tickets
The value of discounts applied to tickets with a cash payment type.
Total voids
The value of menu items that were removed from tickets after the ticket was totaled.
Void quantity
The number of voided menu items.
The value of voids performed after payment was applied.
Voids on cash tickets
The value of menu items voided on tickets with a cash payment type.
Average ticket time
The total time of all tickets divided by the number of tickets closed.
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